Embedded Restrictions (para 6(8) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003)
1) No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied otherwise than to:
(a) A member of the club who has been a member for at least two days or whose nomination or application for membership was made at least two days before his admission; or
(b) A guest of such a member bona fide entertained by him at his expense; or
(c) Any person whose admission to the club premises is provided for by Rule 2(c) of the Rules.
2) No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied for consumption off the premises except to a member in person.
3) There shall be rules of the club for the election of members, and a copy of such rules and any other such rules shall be deposited with the Licensing Authority. Notice of any other alterations in any of the rules shall be given to the Licensing Authority within fourteen days.
4) A list of the names and addresses of all members of the club be kept on the premises.