Prevention of Crime and Disorder
(1) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that, if and when necessary, SIA registered door staff will be employed to control the admission of customers and generally to provide control and the prevention of public disorder or nuisance.
(2) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that
(a) ""proof of age" is required for any sale / supply of alcohol that takes place where there is a suspicion on the part of the person selling or supplying the alcohol that the customer is under 18 years of age;
(b) such proof of age conforms to the PASS accreditation system, photo driving licence, student cards and passports.
(3) The holder of the premises licence will not introduce, or take part in, any irresponsible sales promotion or discounting of prices of alcoholic beverages.
(4) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that:
(a) the text / radio pager equipment is maintained in working order at all times;
(b) the pager link be activated, made available to and monitored by the Designated Premises Supervisor, or other appropriate member of staff with day to day responsibility for running the premises, at all times when the premises are open to the public.
(5) Until such time as the operators give not less than one month’s written notice to Dorset Police to the contrary, the premises will be members of Pubwatch (whilst such a forum is in existence) and will participate in any reasonable Pubwatch initiative (eg. Banned from one, banned from all).
Public Safety
(6) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that:
(a) when disabled people are present on the premises, there are adequate arrangements to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency;
(b) any disabled people on the premises are made aware of those arrangements.
(7) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that:
(a) the Designated Premises Supervisor, or other appropriate member of staff with day to day responsibility for running the premises, immediately calls the Dorset Fire and Rescue Service in the event of any outbreak of fire, however slight;
(b) the details of any outbreak of fire are recorded in a Fire Log Book;
(c) Insofar as there is direct control, all reasonable steps will be taken to keep access for emergency vehicles clear.
(8) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that all escape routes and exits, including external exits, are properly maintained in good order with non slippery and even surfaces.
(9) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that any Emergency Lighting system is maintained in working order at all times and is not altered without approval from the Dorset Fire & Rescue Service.
(10) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that adequate and appropriate supplies of first aid equipment and materials are available, taking into account the capacity of the premises.
(11) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that:
(a) the premises are not altered in such a way as to make it impossible to comply with an existing licence condition, without first seeking a variation of the premises licence by the deletion of the condition in question;
(b) any such application to vary the licence by the deletion of a condition must include other steps that the licence holder intends to take to promote public safety.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
(12) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that noise and vibration are not allowed to emanate from the premises so as to cause nuisance to nearby properties. In particular external doors opening from the areas covered by the licence must be kept closed whilst music or any amplified sound is being played/produced. No measures whatsoever, whether by pinning back, propping open or other means, are to be taken to keep any exterior or internal lobby doors open.
(13) When amplified music (either recorded or live) is being played, a tamper-proof sound limiting device must be installed at the premises and set to the levels agreed with the Council. All amplified music (either recorded or live) must be subject to the control of the limiting device.
(14) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that the premises are adequately ventilated so that noxious smells do not cause any nuisance to neighbouring properties.
(15) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that any lighting outside the premises does not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties by way of excessive brightness, flashing and / or pulsating.
Where such lighting is considered necessary by the Dorset Police to prevent crime and disorder, this condition shall not be applied.
Protection of Children from Harm
(16) The holder of the premises licence will ensure that access to the premises for all unaccompanied children under the age of the 12 is prohibited after 23.00.
(17) No entertainment of an adult nature will be provided at the premises.